Biblical Studies Courses
Women of Paradise: Lilith & Eve Through the Ages
Coming soon!

Eve and Lilith are two of the most demonised women in the history of Judaism and Christianity…quite literally when it comes to Lilith! Eve is blamed for introducing sin into the world and Lilith is blamed for everything from women’s infertility to men’s nocturnal emissions. This course takes you on a collaborative exploration of the “dark feminine” as we delve together into the original sources that describe these two wives of Adam (the first man) and consider the role their representation has played in the portrayal of the feminine throughout history and in contemporary times.
Our journey will span over 3000 years of biblical and related literature and focus on interpretative nuances in the original Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic sources in a way that will be easy to understand for people who are unfamiliar with the ancient languages. The course will also provide an accessible introduction to important scholarship on Eve and Lilith. Classes will be interactive and include opportunities for reflection, discussion, and question and answer.
This is an introductory course and no prior experience in biblical studies or ancient languages is required. Just bring yourself, your curiosity, and an open mind!
Class Times
6 weeks
1 x 1hr live online class per week (recordings will be made available to students to download)
Each week students will be given the materials we will work through together in class and a list of recommended readings so that they can take their learning further if they desire
Topics include:
Eve and Lilith in the Bible and related literature
Eve, Lilith and the contemporary feminist movement
Eve and Lilith in contemporary neo-pagan communities
Sources we will study include (but are not limited to) passages from the Hebrew Bible and New Testament, Second Temple Judaism, Rabbinic literature, the Church Fathers, and Medieval Judaism.